Car Free Megacities: Reimagining London, Paris and New York

3rd March 2021

SESSION 1 | Will cars become the third wheel in these global megacities?

Can we make private cars obsolete in London, Paris and New York? Join this session to get an intro to the Car Free Megacities project, and hear fresh takes on this key question from expert speakers from each city.

Hirra Khan Adeogun | Possible
Cathy Lamri | Paris Sans Voiture
Andrew Simms | The New Weather Institute

Doug Gordon | New York Project Lead, Brooklyn Spoke

Jon Orcutt | Advocacy Consultant, Bike New York
Dr. Rachel Aldred | Professor, University of Westminster and Director, The Active Travel Academy
Frédéric Héran | Transport Economist and Urban Planner, University of Lille

SESSION 2 | Parklets, cycle lanes and car clubs: how can communities redesign their cities?

What does the road to car free look like? How can we make it easy for people to get around without cars? In this session we will hear from a series of pioneers who have changed their cities for the better.

Andrew Simms | Advocacy and Communications Director, The New Weather Institute

Shabazz Stuart | Founder and CEO, Oonee
Jon Burke | Former Cabinet Member, Hackney Council
Catherine Pilon | General Secretary, the Club des villes et territoires cyclables
Brenda Puech | Parklet Campaigner
Vincent Bézaguet | General Coordinator, La Rue Est À Nous

SESSION 3 | Cities for people: changing gears in London, Paris and New York

What steps have these cities already taken to move away from car dominance, and what plans do they have in place for the future? Representatives from London, Paris and New York will present the latest initiatives from their city.

Hirra Khan Adeogun | Head of Car Free Cities, Possible

Emily Weidenhof | Director of Public Space, NYC DOT
Dr. Will Norman | London's Walking and Cycling Commissioner, Mayor of London
Charlotte Guth | Head of the Bicycle Mission, Department of Roads and Transport of the City of Paris
David Belliard | Deputy Mayor of Paris

Graphic recorders: Emma Paxton in English and Coline Robin in French

Translation: WordlyWise

Emma Kemp